Desktopok safe
Desktopok safe

desktopok safe

(6) Projects and other subject matter files are launched directly from the file system using advanced filemanagers such as A43, ACDSee, or Directory Opus, only application launching is reserved for the system of menus. everything has a text lable or a tool tip. no commands, hot-keys, program names, gestures, or icons need to be remembered. Each user can then have his own arrangement. Featutes: Save your dearest icon locations for each screen resolution.

desktopok safe

(5) It is 100% unreliant upon user memory. Mit 'DesktopOK' könnt ihr die jeweilige Icon-Position speichern und wiederherstellen. Save and restore the positions of icons.DesktopOK is a small but effective solution for user that have to change the screen resolution often. (4) It's mouse only so, it reduces the need to switch between keyboard and mouse. This eliminates a step to launch a new instance of a program that already has an instance running by decoupling task-management from launching. (3) For commonly used programs, use of the Quicklaunch bar rather than taskbar pinning. This elliminates the step of moving the mouse to make the taskbar visible or to make the desktop visible every time you want to launch something. This system eliminated nesting since all menus are only one level deap and launched directly from the taskbar. The reason the traditional start menu was slow was not because it was a menu, but rather because of NESTED menus. The secret to why this is the case is several fold: (1). It equals or betters the speed of the command line, Win+type, Hot Keys, all forms of the start menu, the start page, the desktop, and all 3rd party docks and launchers I've ever tried. This is overwhelmingly the most efficient launching solution I have ever encountered. Combined with the quicklaunch bar I am never more than one or two clicks away from launching anything on my computer.

desktopok safe

Instead I have a system of custom menus that launch off of the taskbar. I keep the desktop blank too, but for the most part, I don't use the start menu either.

Desktopok safe